
Awareness with soul

enjoyment of life. Peace. alignment.

You are much more than a functioning being.
Your life has one SENSE.

Every being harbors within itself a living field of lived Memory and Truth.
Here we can use our potential and our life force scoop.

Who are you?
What is happening in your life and why?
What is your animal thinking and feeling?
Do you wish for good impulses for your life, your being together?

I'd be happy to speak to yours for you human soul or with the soul of your animal.


reflection room Maria Hubert

0170 3193075
Besinnungsraum Maria Hubert Lehrerin für telepathische Kommunikation und Beziehungsbewusstsein

Maria Hubert

My statement on the virus...

Something got in our way.

A virus. Each of us was slowed down.

We are confronted with many, very different explanatory models that want to explain to us the meaning and the background ... of the invisible that suddenly touches all of our lives.

I'm interested in a different perspective - the perspective of the virus itself!
I stopped and listened and got answers from the virus.

Observing, factual and honest, it reminds us what it's all about for us...!

Telepathic communication with animals

Since 2005 I have been connecting on a subtle level with the soul field of a wide variety of living beings, especially animals that live alongside humans.

I perceive the sensations of your animal and hear its thoughts.
This connection flows from heart to heart: genuinely interested, free from manipulation and compassionate.
A detailed connection protocol shows you the emotional world and your animal's view of your life.
-> more about animal communication

Telepathic communication with people

How powerful is the idea of being completely unchallenged within our environment in our perception of ourselves - and simply being what we are!

At the request of my environment, I now enter into sensitive communication with the human soul:
The knowledge of our soul, its understanding of connections and its constructive power to let go and realign lies hidden within us and is waiting for us, every day.
-> more about soul talk

Basic seminar Tierkommunikation

Telepathy is one of many subtle abilities within you.
If you open your perception to it, you go
on a very exciting journey of discovery to your inner potential.
Since 2005 I have been giving seminars in animal communication and accompanying people in their perception possibilities and mental power.

We practice concentration and focus and allow the stillness within us.

You will learn to independently establish a telepathic connection with an animal and to receive messages.

You will leave many limiting beliefs behind you, which have seemed normal to you up to now, you will encounter unimagined possibilities and experience a lot of love.

-> to the basic seminar on animal communication -> to the appointments


What is animal communication? How does telepathy work... and... can I do it too?!

This online seminar opens up a new perspective for you and wants to show you the profound possibilities that telepathic communication gives us - in our relationship with our animal and also as an extended and helpful perspective in our daily life.

We have the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of our animals! It is the authentic heart-to-heart connection that allows us to experience how they think, what they fear and what they want from us.

Over the course of this weekend you will be introduced to your mental abilities in a playful way and given the tools to deepen and develop them.

Using photos of the participants' animals, we telepathically contact your animal and the animals of the other participants. We do this carefully and responsibly. You will learn why it is important to protect your own energy, stay focused and not give up! :-)

Times: Sa 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. & Sun 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. - 6 p.m

-> to the appointments
Eule im Wald in Tierkommunikation mit Mensch

Advanced Telepathy

If you have already extended your sensitive antennae, your perception will change permanently.
Even if you haven't practiced a lot, you are in a different alertness and awareness today.

In this weekend seminar we turn to further possibilities of telepathic communication.
We communicate with trees and plants, with
wild animals and with the souls of deceased animals.

We explore what possibilities the subtle sensory perception in the interpersonal area has ready for us, im mental like in physical connection and how we can use this for our personal environment.

We talk about important experiences, possible interference fields in the telepathic area and about the Possibilitiesthat us in relation to a constructive view of the earth given are.
-> to the advanced telepathy seminar -> to the appointments


zwei Falken am blauen Himmel in Beziehung - Jahresgruppe Beziehungsräume Maria Hubert

annual course relationship awareness

This annual course includes 4 weekends in 12 months.

This one-year course is about breaking down the relationship spaces in which our life takes place, how they shape us and what dynamics result from this in our everyday life, consciously and unconsciously.
It is important to recognize how important the relationship with ourselves is for all external relationships and how the relationships to the outside at best encourage and help us to get to know ourselves better, to take on personal responsibility and to be able to focus on what is important to us.
This also includes the self-reflective view of seemingly obstructive influences through relationships... which serve us to learn something about ourselves and to deal constructively with the feeling of being slowed down.

This series of seminars is about self-knowledge, personal responsibility and a change of perspective, about the possibility of being able to have a constructive effect on our relationships from an inner freedom and consciously viewing the gift of encounter as creative potential.

-> more information on the annual course RELATIONSHIP CONSCIOUSNESS


Bank vor Nebellandschaft - Beziehungsarbeit und Coaching Maria Hubert

... for awareness & orientation

There is a way out of the "fog" or out of the feeling of powerlessness or disorientation.

The seemingly invisible levels hold immense potential for understanding connections and yourself:
Get yours subconscious, Your soul consciousness and your body awarenessinto your journey to realignment.

You will find all the answers you need to understand, to be able to let go and to move on in a stabilized and realigned manner within YOU.
-> Request for coaching via email

My name is Maria

my love to God shapes my life.
He is the reason for what I do.

He qualifies me for my service,
which I offer you on this page from the heart.

I feel accompanied and guided by Jesus Christ
in me. Seeing the world through his eyes is me
the strongest teaching force and my greatest gift!

All beings are created by God
made for each other by his love.

This love connects us to God and to each other.
It opens the space in which the language of the soul
can be heard.

We can include this spiritual level, in which everything is connected in God's love, in all questions of our life.
This has infinitely helpful potentialfor all living beings!
-> more about MARIA
Maria Hubert Telepathie Coach
-> more reviews
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